Hand-reared by José  Gordon,...

Hand-reared by José Gordon,...

Hand-reared by José Gordon, the legend himself, then dry-aged and grind into these flavour packed beef patties - NOW SERVED dine-in at Feather & Bone in our all-new Spanish Ox Burger - with reblochon, pickled onions, aioli and crispy shallots. What are you waiting for? The World’s Best Beef could be dinner tonight! 由大師José Gordon親自養殖大公牛、經過熟成再整成嘅漢堡扒,係咪聽到都流哂口水呢?宜家喺Feather & Bone用餐,就可以品嘗到使用呢款漢堡扒嘅Spanish Ox Burger,配料仲包括Reblochon芝士、醃洋蔥、蒜泥蛋黃醬同香脆嘅蔥頭。 仲等?快啲嚟Feather & Bone品嘗全世界最頂級嘅牛肉啦! #feathernbonehk #spain #beef #josegordon #worldsbestbeef #legend #bestbutchers #spanishoxburger #butchersofhongkong #meatlovers #oxburger #burgers #burgerpatties #hkfoodie #hkfoodstagram #discoverhongkong #hkig

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